
Notizie con tag: Experience Umbria

"Orvieto itself is built on a plateau of volcanic rock, overlooking the Tiber valley, where it stoically watches over the Autostrada del Sole and a steady stream of tourists passing between Rome and Florence. This is a shame because Orvieto is a charming town and definitely worth a visit. In the surrounding countryside you can find some beautiful white wines and this was to be the...
  Madonna Del Latte is a small, family-run winery on a stunning historic estate just outside Orvieto near Lake Bolsena. Its journey began in 2000 when Manuela Zardo and Hellmuth Zwecker bought a run-down building with a collapsing roof on the ancient site. After a transformative renovation, the first vines were planted in 2004, and the family started producing wine in 2008....

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