
NEW RELEASE Viognier 2018

Freitag, 30 August 2019

We are happy to announce the release of our Viognier 2018 vintage

2018 was a great season for most European wine regions, especially for ours. Not only did we have a nice and warm, dry summer, but also abundant rain in spring, so our vines did not suffer from the drought that caused big problems in many other wine growing areas.

Our bestselling white wine most definitely benefitted from these conditions! The four previous vintages of our Viognier were awarded with the prestigious bronze medal of Decanter, the worlds most influential and most trusted wine rating system. I am pretty confident to say that this will either be the fifth bronze medal in a row or maybe even worth a silver medal. We'll see what happens in the contest next spring and we will keep you updated!

For now we invite you to judge for yourself, Viognier 2018 is now available in our online Store.

We hope you enjoy drinking our wines and look forward to sending you the Italian zest for life in the bottles.


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